Fun, fun, fun da Cattivissimo me 2

Fun, fun, fun da Cattivissimo me 2
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Fun, fun, fun, è una delle canzoni del film di animazione Cattivissimo me 2 della scena in cui Gru va al parco giochi con le tre bambine. Testo e video

Fun, fun, Fun Lyric
Take me, far away, anywhere
As long as it's fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
I wanna go!

[Verse 1]
The school bell ring is what I've been waiting for
When we just scream, and run for the door
Hey, it's summer mom
Hey, it's summer dad
Man, it's been so long
Since the children had
A good time!

Hey, maybe it all probably takes it's toll?
Hey, but didn't I make honor roll?
Either way, eat your words
It's our time, we deserve
Oh, to have a good time!

Take me, far away, anywhere
As long as it's fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
I wanna go!

[Verse 2]
No more teachers and principals
A good behavior, insensible (?)
Let's do everything
Till the summer's done
It's the greatest time
For us to be young
And have a good time!

Hey, maybe it all probably takes it's toll?
Hey, but didn't I make honor roll?
Either way, eat your words
It's our time, we deserve
Oh, to have a good time!

Take me, far away, anywhere
As long as it's fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
I wanna go!

[Verse 3]
No more homework or PTA
No more lunch food, it's toxic waste
Let's eat MickyD's
As a matter fact
Let's get happy meals
Want a sundae, man? (yeah)
What a good time!

Hey, maybe it all probably takes it's toll?
Hey, but didn't I make honor roll?
Either way, eat your words
It's our time, we deserve
Oh, to have a good time!


Fun, Fun, Fun , Williams Pharrell - Desplicable me 2 - Lyric - testo canzone di cattivissimo me 2 - Colonna sonora

Fun, Fun, Fun , Williams Pharrell - Desplicable me 2 - Lyric - testo canzone di cattivissimo me 2 - Colonna sonora

Fun, Fun, Fun , Williams Pharrell - Desplicable me 2 - Lyric - testo canzone di cattivissimo me 2 - Colonna sonora

Fun, Fun, Fun , Williams Pharrell - Desplicable me 2 - Lyric - testo canzone di cattivissimo me 2 - Colonna sonora




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