Nate is late theme song

Nate is late theme song
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An Australia/France Co-Production, filmed at Trackdown Studios, theme song written and performed by our singer/songwriters Juliana Barillaro and Lachlan Russell

"Nate Is Late" (Season 1)
LYRICS (Barillaro/Russell)
Join us, flying through the amazon 
Make friends, swinging through the trees to
Find the action,
Find the action 

I wanna be, a viking on a mountain top 
Under the sea, dive into a cave, 
Meet a piranha  (Hey Frank!)
Time’s running out 
I gotta goooooo

Nate’s Late 
Tell us what you did today
Nate’s Late 
Getting you to school has gotta wait….
Why are you late? 

Na na na na Na na na na na Na na Na na Nah.

Climbing castles up onto a cloud 
Saving a dragon from an angry crowd 
(He’s harmless I swear) 
The action 
We found the action 
Let’s go! 

Nate’s Late 
Tell us what you did today
Nate’s Late 
Getting you to school has gotta wait….
Why are you late? 

Never a normal day, but it’s okay  
Nate and Malika, lead the way 
Lead the way 

Na na na na Na na na na na Na na Na na Nah.

Nate’s Late 
Tell us what you did today
Nate’s Late 
Getting you to school has gotta wait….
Why are you late? 

Na na na na Na na na na na Na na Na na Nah


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