Come si pronuncia cake in inglese

Ascolta la pronuncia di cake in inglese

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A rich, sweet dessert food, typically made of flour, sugar and eggs and baked in an oven, and often covered in icing.
A small mass of baked dough, especially a thin loaf from unleavened dough. (Example: a johnnycake)
A thin wafer-shaped mass of fried batter; a griddlecake or pancake. (Example: buckwheat cakes)
A block of any of various dense materials. (Example: a cake of sand)
A trivially easy task or responsibility; from a piece of cake.
Used to describe the doctrine of having one's cake and eating it too.
A buttock, especially one that is exceptionally plump. (Example: Mmm, I'd like to cut me some of that cake!)
Coat (something) with a crust of solid material. (Example: His shoes are caked with mud.)
To form into a cake, or mass.


To cackle like a goose.
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