Come si pronuncia tongs in inglese

Ascolta la pronuncia di tongs in inglese

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An instrument or tool used for picking things up without touching them with the hands or fingers, consisting of two slats or grips hinged at the end or in the middle, and sometimes including a spring to open the grips.
(by extension) A large scissors-like two-piece center-hinged forged-iron implement with oval-loop handles and with pointed tips turned inward (in the same plane as and perpendicular to the handles) to facilitate lifting and carrying a block of ice. Often called ice tongs.



An instrument or tool used for manipulating things in a fire without touching them with the hands.

A Chinese secret society or gang.
The flexible muscular organ in the mouth that is used to move food around, for tasting and that is moved into various positions to modify the flow of air from the lungs in order to produce different sounds in speech.
This organ, as taken from animals used for food (especially cows).− (Example: cold tongue with mustard)
(metonym) A language. (Example: He was speaking in his native tongue.)
Speakers of a language, collectively.
Voice (the distinctive sound of a person's speech); accent (distinctive manner of pronouncing a language).
Manner of speaking, often habitually.
(metonym) A person speaking in a specified manner (most often plural).
The power of articulate utterance; speech generally.
Discourse; fluency of speech or expression.
Discourse; fluency of speech or expression.
Honourable discourse; eulogy.
(often in the plural) Glossolalia.
In a shoe, the flap of material that goes between the laces and the foot (so called because it resembles a tongue in the mouth).
Any large or long physical protrusion on an automotive or machine part or any other part that fits into a long groove on another part.
A projection, or slender appendage or fixture.
A long, narrow strip of land, projecting from the mainland into a sea or lake.
The pole of a vehicle; especially, the pole of an ox cart, to the end of which the oxen are yoked.
The clapper of a bell.
An individual point of flame from a fire.
A small sole (type of fish).
A short piece of rope spliced into the upper part of standing backstays, etc.; also, the upper main piece of a mast composed of several pieces.
A reed.
A division of formation; A layer or member of a formation that pinches out in one direction.



To use tongs.
To grab, manipulate or transport something using tongs.



An instrument or tool used for manipulating things in a fire without touching them with the hands.

A Chinese secret society or gang.
The flexible muscular organ in the mouth that is used to move food around, for tasting and that is moved into various positions to modify the flow of air from the lungs in order to produce different sounds in speech.
This organ, as taken from animals used for food (especially cows).− (Example: cold tongue with mustard)
(metonym) A language. (Example: He was speaking in his native tongue.)
Speakers of a language, collectively.
Voice (the distinctive sound of a person's speech); accent (distinctive manner of pronouncing a language).
Manner of speaking, often habitually.
(metonym) A person speaking in a specified manner (most often plural).
The power of articulate utterance; speech generally.
Discourse; fluency of speech or expression.
Discourse; fluency of speech or expression.
Honourable discourse; eulogy.
(often in the plural) Glossolalia.
In a shoe, the flap of material that goes between the laces and the foot (so called because it resembles a tongue in the mouth).
Any large or long physical protrusion on an automotive or machine part or any other part that fits into a long groove on another part.
A projection, or slender appendage or fixture.
A long, narrow strip of land, projecting from the mainland into a sea or lake.
The pole of a vehicle; especially, the pole of an ox cart, to the end of which the oxen are yoked.
The clapper of a bell.
An individual point of flame from a fire.
A small sole (type of fish).
A short piece of rope spliced into the upper part of standing backstays, etc.; also, the upper main piece of a mast composed of several pieces.
A reed.
A division of formation; A layer or member of a formation that pinches out in one direction.
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