Come si pronuncia shoulder in inglese

Ascolta la pronuncia di shoulder in inglese

Dizionario inglese



The part of an animal's body between the base of the neck and forearm socket.
Anything forming a shape resembling a human shoulder.
(topography) A shelf between two levels.
The flat portion of type that is below the bevelled portion that joins up with the face.
(of an object) The portion between the neck and the body.
That which supports or sustains; support.
The part of a key between the cuts and the bow.
To push (a person or thing) using one's shoulder.
To put (something) on one's shoulders.
To place (something) against one's shoulders.
To bear a burden, as a financial obligation.
To accept responsibility for. (Example: shoulder the blame)
To form a shape resembling a shoulder.
To move by or as if by using one's shoulders.
To round and slightly raise the top edges of slate shingles so that they form a tighter fit at the lower edge and can be swung aside to expose the nail.
To slope downwards from the crest and whitewater portion of a wave.
shoulder pronuncia e significato nel dizionario inglese