Come si pronuncia elbow in inglese

Ascolta la pronuncia di elbow in inglese

Dizionario inglese



The joint between the upper arm and the forearm.
(by extension) Any turn or bend like that of the elbow, in a wall, building, coastline, etc.; an angular or jointed part of any structure, such as the raised arm of a chair or sofa, or a short pipe fitting, turning at an angle or bent. (Example: the sides of windows, where the jamb makes an elbow with the window back)
A detective.
Part of a basketball court located at the intersection of the free-throw line and the free-throw lane.
A hit with the elbow.
To push with the elbow. (Example: He elbowed his way through the crowd.)
(by extension) To nudge, jostle or push.
elbow pronuncia e significato nel dizionario inglese