Come si pronuncia mug in inglese

Ascolta la pronuncia di mug in inglese

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A large cup for hot liquids, usually having a handle and used without a saucer.
The face, often used deprecatingly. (Example: What an ugly mug.)
A gullible or easily-cheated person. (Example: He's a gullible mug – he believed her again.)
A stupid or contemptible person.

To strike in the face.
To assault for the purpose of robbery.
To exaggerate a facial expression for communicative emphasis; to make a face, to pose, as for photographs or in a performance, in an exaggerated or affected manner. (Example: The children weren't interested in sitting still for a serious photo; they mugged for the camera.)
To photograph for identification; to take a mug shot.
To learn or review a subject as much as possible in a short time; cram.
Easily fooled, gullible.



Motherfucker (usually in similes, e.g. "like a mug" or "as a mug")
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