Come si pronuncia whisk in inglese

Ascolta la pronuncia di whisk in inglese

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A quick, light sweeping motion. (Example: With a quick whisk, she swept the cat from the pantry with her broom.)
A kitchen utensil, made from stiff wire loops fixed to a handle, used for whipping (or a mechanical device with the same function). (Example: He used a whisk to whip up a light and airy souffle.)
A bunch of twigs or hair etc, used as a brush. (Example: Peter dipped the whisk in lather and applied it to his face, so he could start shaving.)
A small handheld broom with a small (or no) handle. (Example: I used a whisk to sweep the counter, then a push-broom for the floor.)
A plane used by coopers for evening chines.
A kind of cape, forming part of a woman's dress.
An impertinent fellow.
To move something with quick light sweeping motions. (Example: Vernon whisked the sawdust from his workbench.)
In cooking, to whip e.g. eggs or cream. (Example: The chef prepared to whisk the egg whites for the angel's food cake.)
To move something rapidly and with no warning. (Example: The governess whisked the children from the room before they could see their presents.)
To move lightly and nimbly. (Example: The children whisked down the road to the fair, laughing and chattering as they went.)



The card game whist.
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