Come si pronuncia dance in inglese

Ascolta la pronuncia di dance in inglese

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A sequence of rhythmic steps or movements usually performed to music, for pleasure or as a form of social interaction.
A social gathering where dancing is the main activity.
A normally horizontal stripe called a fess that has been modified to zig-zag across the center of a coat of arms from dexter to sinister.
A genre of modern music characterised by sampled beats, repetitive rhythms and few lyrics.
The art, profession, and study of dancing.
A piece of music with a particular dance rhythm.
A battle of wits, especially one commonly fought between two rivals. (Example: So how much longer are we gonna do this dance?)
To move with rhythmic steps or movements, especially in time to music. (Example: I danced with her all night long.)
To leap or move lightly and rapidly. (Example: His eyes danced with pleasure as he spoke.   She accused her political opponent of dancing around the issue instead of confronting it.)
To perform the steps to. (Example: Have you ever danced the tango?)
To cause to dance, or move nimbly or merrily about.
To make love or have sex. (Example: You make me feel like dancing.)
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