Come si pronuncia clean in inglese

Ascolta la pronuncia di clean in inglese

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Removal of dirt. (Example: This place needs a clean.)
The first part of the event clean and jerk in which the weight is brought from the ground to the shoulders.

To remove dirt from a place or object. (Example: Can you clean the windows today?)
To tidy up, make a place neat. (Example: Clean your room right now!)
To remove equipment from a climbing route after it was previously lead climbed.
To make things clean in general. (Example: She just likes to clean. That’s why I married her.)
To remove unnecessary files, etc. from (a directory, etc.).
To brush the ice lightly in front of a moving rock to remove any debris and ensure a correct line; less vigorous than a sweep.
To purge a raw of any blemishes caused by the scanning process such as brown tinting and poor color contrast.
To remove guts and/or scales of a butchered animal.

(heading, physical) Free of dirt or impurities or protruberances.
(heading, behavioural) Free of immorality or criminality.
Smooth, exact, and performed well (Example: I’ll need a sharper knife to make clean cuts.  a clean leap over a fence)
Total; utter. (still in "clean sweep")
Cool or neat. (Example: Wow, Dude, those are some clean shoes ya got there!)
(health) Being free of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). (Example: I want to make sure my fiancé is clean before we are married.)
That does not damage the environment. (Example: clean energy;  clean coal)
Free from that which is useless or injurious; without defects. (Example: clean land;  clean timber)
Free from restraint or neglect; complete; entire.
Well-proportioned; shapely. (Example: clean limbs)
(of a route) Ascended without falling.
Fully and completely. (Example: He was stabbed clean through.)
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