Come si pronuncia third in inglese

Ascolta la pronuncia di third in inglese

Dizionario inglese



The person or thing in the third position. (Example: Jones came in third.)
One of three equal parts of a whole. (Example: He ate a third of the pie. Divided by two-thirds.)
The third gear of a gearbox. (Example: Now put it into third.)
An interval consisting of the first and third notes in a scale. (Example: They sing in thirds.)
Third base (Example: The play ended with Jones standing on third.)
A handicap of one stroke every third hole.
A third-class degree, awarded to the lowest achievers in an honours degree programme
One sixtieth of a second, i.e., the third in a series of fractional parts in a sexagesimal number system. Also formerly known as a tierce.

To agree with a proposition or statement after it has already been seconded.
To divide into three equal parts.
The ordinal form of the cardinal number three; Coming after the second. (Example: The third tree from the left is my favorite.)
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