Come si pronuncia pot in inglese

Ascolta la pronuncia di pot in inglese

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A flat-bottomed vessel (usually metal) used for cooking food.
Various similar open-topped vessels, particularly
Pothole, sinkhole, vertical cave e.g. Rowten Pot
Ruin or deterioration. (Example: After his arrest, his prospects went to pot.)
An iron hat with a broad brim worn as a helmet.
A pot-shaped non-conducting (usually ceramic) stand that supports an electrified rail while insulating it from the ground.
The money available to be won in a hand of poker or a round of other games of chance; any sum of money being used as an enticement.
A favorite: a heavily-backed horse.
A plaster cast.

To put (something) into a pot. (Example: to pot a plant)
To preserve by bottling or canning. (Example: potted meat)
To cause a ball to fall into a pocket.
To be capable of being potted. (Example: The black ball doesn't pot; the red is in the way.)
To shoot with a firearm.
To take a pot shot, or haphazard shot, with a firearm.
To secure; gain; win; bag.
To send someone to gaol, expeditiously.
To tipple; to drink.
To drain (e.g. sugar of the molasses) in a perforated cask.
To seat a person, usually a young child, on a potty or toilet, typically during toilet teaching.
To apply a plaster cast to a broken limb.


A simple electromechanical device used to control resistance or voltage (often to adjust sound volume) in an electronic device by rotating or sliding when manipulated by a human thumb, screwdriver, etc.

A large, swollen, or protruding abdomen; a paunch.
A potbelly stove.
A Vietnamese Pot-bellied pig.

A small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, or magical. (Example: He hoped to win the princess's heart by mixing the love potion the witch gave him into her drink.)

A shot taken at an easy or random target.
Criticism of an easy target; a cheap shot.
An old size of paper, 12.5 × 15 inches. (Example: pott paper)






A simple electromechanical device used to control resistance or voltage (often to adjust sound volume) in an electronic device by rotating or sliding when manipulated by a human thumb, screwdriver, etc.



A small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, or magical. (Example: He hoped to win the princess's heart by mixing the love potion the witch gave him into her drink.)
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